As a long term “Redlander” I have witnessed the major changes the Redlands has undergone from it’s days as a coastal Shire, to be an expanding City full of diversity and potential.

With growth comes development and on 23 July 2020, a Ministerial Direction was issued by the Planning Minister requiring Council to fulfil its obligations under ShapingSEQ by 16 September 2020 and to provide a written report.

In accordance with the Ministerial Direction, in September 2020 the Redland City Council prioritised development in the “Southern Thornlands Potential Future Growth Area” and invited residents to have their say. At the end of the public consultation period, Council had received 202 submissions.

According to the Redland City Council (RCC) website, Mayor Karen Williams said Council had focussed on jobs creation as part of a planning investigation for the area after Council had been directed by the State Government to consider the potential future growth area.

Council’s preferred future land use intents for the Southern Thornlands Potential Future Growth Area (STPFGA)

“This land has been the subject of almost 20 years of planning and community debate, disrupted by changing directions” Mayor Williams said. “The State Government previously included part of the area in the urban footprint, which would have seen the area used for residential development. But this decision was reversed with the State Government then nominating it as a Potential Future Growth Area and directing Council to undertake planning investigation to determine the preferred future use of the area.”

In June 2021, the RCC deferred considering the STPFGA due to tightened legislative conflict of interest rules. Councillors couldn’t contribute at this point because some of the submissions received during previous community consultation on the STPFGA were made by individuals known professionally and personally to the majority of Councillors. Council resolved to write to the Minster to seek approval for the Councillors with the declarable conflict of interest to participate in discussions and vote on the matter.

The Council was firm that this area should be used for jobs, not small lot housing with a line being drawn in the sand by clearly stating the land not used for economic uses should only be used for larger rural living blocks (ie within a minimum lot size of 1 hectare) which fits with the character of the area while also addressing homebuyer demand for this sort of rural product.

The Minister asked the RCC to engage with landowners in the plan area, but Council believes this land is strategically important for the entire city and felt everyone should have the opportunity to have a say.

In December 2021, the Council again resolved that the report be deferred to allow further consideration for the matters raised in the public consultation report.

Latest Update

On 19 January 2022, Council considered a report on the STPFGA (Item 14.6) and resolved to proceed with a major amendment to the City Plan. The above map was adopted for the preferred future land use.

Council will now submit the proposed amendment to the Planning Minister for consideration as part of the Review of State Interests.

A further statutory phase of public consultation will occur if the Planning Minister approve Council proceeding to public consultation.

Remember, if you need any help or advice, we are just a phone call away.

All the best, Simon.
